Gyandeep Growth Foundation, a not-for-profit organization supporting underprivileged students, has been a cherished partner in our peace, culture, education, and sustainability efforts. As part of its community outreach initiatives, BSG participated in the Foundation’s Founder’s Day celebrations. The event was rich in meaningful experiences.
The focus of the day was a powerful skit on Gender Equality (SDG 5). The performance, which aligned with the event’s theme of patriotism, captivated the audience and left a lasting impression. Over 60 Gyandeep students, including 7 BSG volunteers, were involved in the production, demonstrating the collaborative spirit and dedication of all involved.
The BSG volunteers worked closely with the Gyandeep students throughout the process, guiding them through scriptwriting, characterization, and stage presentation. Despite facing challenges such as time constraints due to participants’ academic commitments and language barriers, the student participants persevered through dedicated practice sessions twice a week for a month. The Gyandeep staff, too, poured their heart and soul into supporting the participants.
The skit itself was a powerful portrayal of gender inequality in various societal settings, from the school to the workplace. Through thought-provoking scenes and relatable characters, the performance effectively conveyed the importance of breaking down stereotypes and promoting equality for all. The audience of over 200, which was composed of students, parents, and faculty members, responded enthusiastically, praising the important message and the compelling performances.
The organizers were delighted to witness the immediate transformation in the students’ understanding of gender rights. As they prepared for their roles, they were deeply sensitized to the complexities of the issue. By engaging in discussions, myth busting, and critical thinking sessions, the students gained a deeper understanding of gender issues and their role in creating a more equitable society. The BSG volunteers, in turn, had the opportunity to make a positive impact on the community.
Building on the success of its efforts at Gyandeep Growth Foundation, BSG aims to extend its community outreach programs to reach even more underserved populations.