BSG volunteers conducted a second Earth Day session with Pedal On – an organization committed towards empowering women from economically weaker section, on 27th April 2024.
The first workshop was held in April 2023, where the concept of Earth Day and related information were shared. This year, we took things a step further. We discussed how much the participants had been able to integrate the understanding of climate action and other related SDGs into their lives over the past year. We were also able to have an in-depth discussion about sustainable human behaviour (SHB).
The participants were very happy to discuss the importance of SHB. With the help of an interesting jumbled word exercise, we were able to further build new vocabulary related to the earth’s environment, climate, and sustainable human behaviour.
We also conducted a skit on zero-waste living with the help of the Pedal On Group. They received both concepts – SHB and zero-waste living – with open minds and a desire to learn.
The skit showcased the challenges and solutions associated with increasing plastic pollution on Earth, as the theme for World Earth Day 2024 was “Planet vs. Plastic.”
The session ended with creative ideas, suggestions, and shedding inhibitions about how they can continue contributing to the betterment of the Earth on a daily basis.
One of the ideas discussed at length was how they could completely stop food wastage in their locality by finding and networking with an NGO that could take surplus or leftover food (which is a prominent issue) from their community and distribute it to the needy.
By attending the BSG sessions regularly, the Pedal On women are slowly becoming able to integrate SDGs conceptually and practically into their daily lives.