The educational initiatives undertaken by Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) are all centered on the belief that every single individual possesses within them infinite potential and, every single individual can make a difference in society if they are empowered and fostered with the right value system. Therefore, all activities undertaken by BSG are focused on eradicating disbelief from the lives of ordinary people, and supporting them in seeing the inherent goodness of not just their own life, but the goodness in the lives of all others. This is based on the premise that when people recognize that we are all the same, and we all have the same potential to do good, it helps to overcome our differences and unites people to work for the common good of society. This is the very heart of ‘Soka Education’ or ‘humanistic education’ that BSG focuses on, which has a special focus on the ‘happiness, and holistic growth & development of the individual’.
The more than 6,000 Education Division members of BSG who are spread across the country have been learning this spirit of humanistic education through BSG activities and are further imparting this spirit to their students and colleagues in society with a heart to foster and raise the most compassionate and well-rounded individuals across institutes.
BSG Education Division members have conducted a range of interactive activities including discussions, webinars, workshops, exhibitions, seminars in various schools and colleges, literacy programs for the underprivileged, and book donation drives. In addition, Campus Groups, SDG Clubs and Peace Clubs have been initiated in several leading educational institutions to provide a platform to the students to learn from each other and create a shared vision for building a better future together.