Sowing the Seeds: Cluny Women’s College, Kalimpong, Starts a Sustainability Movement

5th June, 2024

Cluny Women’s College (CWC) hosted the 131st SOHA Exhibition. The college’s Nature Club meticulously orchestrated the exhibition in collaboration with BSG. The exhibition aimed to illuminate the critical importance of sustainability and empower attendees to become active agents of positive change.

Sowing the Seeds: Cluny Women’s College, Kalimpong, Starts a Sustainability Movement

The esteemed Principal, Sister Pushpa Michael, inaugurated the exhibition early in the morning, setting the stage for a day of profound learning and engagement. A captivating video screening served as a powerful introduction, vividly illustrating the significance of sustainable goals and the transformative potential of ‘sustainable human behaviour’.

Twenty-one exceptional young women from the college then took center stage, delivering thoroughly researched presentations on the SOHA panels and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Attendees, representing thirteen schools and two colleges, were treated to detailed explanations, which they heard with rapt attention.

The exhibition, thoughtfully situated amidst the college’s verdant open campus, provided a vibrant and engaging atmosphere. As they studied the material that was provided, the guests, drawing on the symbolism of an open and green space, had a sense of oneness with nature. The event ignited a spark of enthusiasm amongst the visiting teachers and students, who actively participated in discussions and also took notes of the explanations for future reference.

With an attendance of nearly 250 individuals, and volunteers who diligently participated in no less than four training sessions on the SDGs and the exhibition, this day will always stand as a testament to the college’s deep commitment to fostering socially responsible global citizens.

SOHA Debuts in Dehradun: Inspiring Sustainability in the Mountains

23rd May, 2024

Marking a momentous occasion, SOHA ventured into Dehradun for the first time, hosting its 130th edition at the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS – ISRO) in Hathibarkala.

SOHA Debuts in Dehradun: Inspiring Sustainability in the Mountains

Despite it being a public holiday, the event saw an impressive turnout, with 25 enthusiastic BSG volunteers welcoming over 250 curious attendees. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Director of IIRS, Mr. Radhvendra Pratap Singh.

The visitors were taken through the 25 panels that explore our connection with nature and offer practical steps for promoting “sustainable human behavior”.

Mr. Raghvendra Pratap Singh shared, “The importance of science & technology in implementation of SDGs should be given more prominence. He also stressed on the need for more collaboration between organizations like IIRS and BSG to work on the 17 SDGs.”

One visitor, impressed by the exhibition, remarked, “This initiative is a welcome step towards a hopeful future, encompassing sustainable goals and thoughtful action.”

SOHA travels to KC Public School, Jammu

21th May, 2024

The 129th Seeds of Hope and Action exhibition was inaugurated by Arti Chowdhary, Managing Director of KC Public School along with Principal. The exhibition aimed to urge young people to consider how they can lead change and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The exhibition featured 25 panels which were well explained by enthusiastic members of the KC Paryavaran Sadan. The students efficiently brought out the themes of hope and action in combating climate change and promoting a greener future. They also came with their own flashcards to make the explanations more interesting. Moreover, they passionately shared about the personal sustainable projects they have undertaken so far.

Adding another layer of engagement, the exhibition also included an interactive video on sustainability practices. This immersive experience encouraged visitors to take action in their own lives to protect the environment. By showcasing practical solutions, the video empowered young people to become active participants in building a sustainable future.

The exhibition saw a massive footfall of around 900 attendees. Principal Amarendra Mishra lauded the exhibition, calling it “highly motivating”.

To read the school’s report on the exhibition, visit the link:


20th May, 2024

Tiny Tots Higher Secondary School, Jammu, in collaboration with Bharat Soka Gakkai organized the 128th SOHA. The exhibition comprises 25 different panels depicting the “Power of One” and how individual actions are important to create a more sustainable world. More than 200 students witnessed the exhibition.


Sadia Khateeb, an alumni of Tiny Tots and a budding actress along with Mrs. Veena Handa were the Chief Guests for the day.

The exhibition was inaugurated with lighting of the Lamp. A short movie on Sustainable Development Goals was displayed for the students for better understanding. This was followed by a detailed description of each panel by the students of Tiny Tots.

An interesting detail: The students made their own scripts and gave SOHA their personal touch. In their efforts and enthusiasm, one could clearly see that they have deeply resonated with the message of SOHA and wish to take it far and wide.

Sadia Khateeb suggested to the students that they must take care of the environment and plant trees and at the same time look after animals to maintain a balanced ecosystem on this planet. She praised the students for the efforts that they put into explaining the panels.

Dr Vikram Handa, Principal of Tiny Tots, powerfully emphasized that even the smallest individual efforts, when combined, can create a wave of positive change. He congratulated BSG and the students of the school for putting up such a remarkable exhibition. Additionally, the faculty of the school called this SOHA “a great grand success.”

This SOHA was also covered by the media. Find the articles here:

SOHA Exhibition Soars at Dogra Higher Secondary School, Jammu

19th May, 2024

450 students and staff arrived at the 127th SOHA held at Dogra Higher Secondary School (DHSS), Shastri Nagar, Jammu. The exhibition was graced by Chief Guest Dr. Zabeer Ahmed.

Students of Carmel Convent School, Jammu, are the Hope of the World

Powerful words fueled the program. The esteemed Managing Director (MD) of DHSS, Kunwar Gambhir Dev Singh Charak, underlined SOHA’s power to shape young minds into global citizens.

Talented students from Class 11 and 12 became rockstar explainers, eloquently dissecting the exhibition panels. Their detailed explanations, brimming with insights into Sustainable Human Behavior, reflected their dedication and deep understanding of the subject matter.

Dr. Ahmed delivered a stirring message, urging the audience to become the architects of positive change. He emphasized that progress necessitates active participation, advocating for the localization of global knowledge. The MD echoed this sentiment, urging everyone to become knowledge ambassadors, taking these learnings beyond themselves and into their communities.
SOHA transcended a simple exhibition. It transformed into a dynamic forum for dialogue and shared discovery.

Students of Carmel Convent School, Jammu, are the Hope of the World

10th May, 2024

Around 650 students and staff arrived at the 125th SOHA exhibition! The figure does not surprise us, given the unwavering dedication and sincerity of the students from Carmel Convent school, who played a pivotal role in ensuring the exhibition’s resounding success.

Students of Carmel Convent School, Jammu, are the Hope of the World

Each volunteer from the school had meticulously researched the topics shared on our SOHA panels. Their insightful contributions and captivating presentations elevated the exhibition’s engagement level, making it a truly enriching experience for attendees. Going above and beyond, the volunteers thoughtfully incorporated Indian examples from the sustainability realm, providing a localized and relatable perspective.

When we say the youth will be the agents of change towards 2030, we mean it! Carmel Convent school students actively seeking the sustainable way and then passionately sharing it with others is the manifestation of this belief.

In their feedback, the students and staff expressed their excitement and gratitude for the opportunity, which prompted them to pause and reflect on environmental concerns and potential solutions.

Finally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Principal of the school, Rev. Sr. Maria Swati, for her incredible support and guidance throughout the exhibition.

Promoting Peace and Sustainability with Kirori Mal College, Delhi University

30th April, 2024

What’s interesting about our collaboration with Kirori Mal College (KMC)? This was our second SOHA with them! In January 2022, KMC’s Peace Club, along with BSG, conducted an online SOHA. Fast forward to April this year, when we had the incredible opportunity to reconnect with the Peace Club, solidifying our commitment to fostering a sustainable, harmonious future.

Promoting Peace and Sustainability with Kirori Mal College, Delhi University

The Peace Club graciously welcomed SOHA to their fest. This marked the 123rd edition of SOHA. The exhibition kicked off with esteemed guests including Prof. Dinesh Khattar, Principal of KMC, and Prof. P. Kesava Kumar, Head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Delhi. The guest speaker for the fest, Ms. Subhra Ranjan, also came to the exhibition and took keen interest in each panel.

The footfall count tallied an impressive 500, with students from KMC and neighboring colleges visiting the exhibition throughout the day. Students expressed in their feedback that the stories of fortitude, creativity, and collective action they saw on the panels inspired them.

The Peace Club’s decision to reintroduce SOHA to KMC students affirms the exhibition’s value and brings us great joy. The sight of students eagerly setting up the SOHA panels and sparking discussions on ‘Sustainable Human Behavior’ will be etched in our memories for a long time to come.

The Champions of Genesis Global School, Noida, Illuminate the Way Forward

23rd April, 2024

The 121st SOHA exhibition at Genesis Global School, Noida, was a resounding success, igniting enthusiasm and curiosity among more than 100 young people. The exhibition seamlessly integrated into the school’s Earth Day celebrations. Students flocked to the event, emanating an earnest desire to learn the intricacies of ‘Sustainable Human Behavior’.

The Champions of Genesis Global School, Noida, Illuminate the Way Forward

As evident from the pictures, the students embraced the SOHA panels wholeheartedly, infusing them with their unique perspectives and artistic flair.

The students enthusiastically reported that the exhibition provided them with an invaluable opportunity to comprehend the nuances of sustainability firsthand, empowering them to lead thought-provoking conversations on the subject. Brimming with excitement, they eagerly gathered their friends around the panels, fostering engaging discussions and a collective appreciation for sustainable practices.

Their honest interest in understanding and discussing sustainability undoubtedly emerged as the exhibition’s crowning glory. It is moments like these that reaffirm our belief in the transformative potential of youth-led initiatives and their ability to shape a more sustainable tomorrow.

Catch a glimpse of the exhibition below

Seeds of Hope & Action Exhibition inspires Sustainability Action at Odisha University of Technology and Research (OUTR), Bhubaneshwar

15th April, 2024

The SOHA family is growing by the minute! The newest addition to our sustainability movement is Odisha University of Technology and Research (OUTR), Bhubaneshwar. This marked the 120th SOHA exhibition conducted by BSG since the beginning of 2021.

Seeds of Hope & Action Exhibition inspires Sustainability Action at Odisha University of Technology and Research (OUTR), Bhubaneshwar

What we witnessed on April 15th, 2024 was special. The keen interest shown by over 1000 faculty and students in learning Sustainable Human Behavior kindles hope and builds our faith in a sustainable tomorrow.

The event was graced by esteemed guests, Prof. Bibhuti Bhushan Biswal, Vice-Chancellor of OUTR, and Smt. Renuprava Nayak, Registrar of OUTR. Professor Biswal conveyed his genuine gratitude to BSG for orchestrating the exhibition and his enthusiasm for potential collaborations on sustainability endeavors in the future.

Zealous OUTR students displayed great passion and enthusiasm as they explained the exhibition panels and helped visitors download the BSG for SDG app. The feedback from the attendees was overwhelmingly positive, solidifying the impact of the event.

The seeds of sustainability sown at OUTR will blossom into a greener, more compassionate future for all.

SOHA joins hands with IES Management and Research College (MCRC) for a greener future

30th March, 2024

More than 100 gathered eagerly at what felt like a sustainability festival. The grounds of IES Management and Research College (MCRC) buzzed with excitement as the 119th SOHA exhibition took center stage there in March. The air was filled with much enthusiasm as the IEC family came together in full force.

SOHA joins hands with IES Management and Research College (MCRC) for a greener future

From the esteemed Dean to the dedicated faculty members and enthusiastic students of IEC MCRC, to representatives from IES Architecture College, IEC Orion School, Dadar, and IES Manik Vidyamandir (School), the event was graced by a diverse array of attendees. Each brought their own unique perspective to the table, enriching the experience for all.

Guided by the spirited young students of the college, participants embarked on a journey through the exhibition, exploring each panel with rapt attention. The urgent call for climate action echoed through the halls as discussions on Sustainable Human Behavior (SHB) absorbed the participants.

As the day drew to a close, smiles lit up the faces of attendees, their hearts brimming with satisfaction at having been a part of something truly significant. Voices resonated, urging for these events to be given the spotlight they rightfully deserve in the education landscape.

Engaging in lively conversations on sustainability, the IES community forged connections and ignited sparks of inspiration that promise to illuminate the path ahead. We look forward to the change that these young minds will bring, as they strive to leave their mark on the world.

BSG Inspires Educators in Delhi: A Successful Training Program and Impactful SOHA Exhibitions

16th – 23rd and 26th February, 2024

Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) recently held a series of successful teacher training programs at their headquarters in Delhi, India. These programs, held on February 16th, 23rd, and 26th, 2024, aimed to empower educators with knowledge and resources related to sustainability. A total of 107 educators and mentors from the Delhi Government’s Department of Education participated in the training. These sessions also marked the 112th, 113th, 115th, & 116th stagings of the Seeds of Hope and Action (SOHA) exhibitions.

BSG Inspires Educators in Delhi: A Successful Training Program and Impactful SOHA Exhibitions

During the programs, the attendees were taken through the Seeds of Hope and Action (SOHA) exhibition. They also learnt about the various BSG for SDG initiatives which are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In their interactions, all the participants expressed their joy of witnessing the exhibition. They also expressed their eagerness of conducting the exhibition in their schools, and to further work alongside BSG in various sustainability related initiatives.

One of the educators shared that the exhibition is a wholesome initiative encompassing all essential aspects of sustainability, from ‘inspiring’ to ‘taking action’, keeping the ‘heart’ element at the centre. While another educator shared about how the concept of the ‘Power of One’ resonated with her and she felt inspired to mobilize collective efforts toward realizing the 17 SDGs. Yet another educator shared about how the exhibition portrays a vision of sustainable living and had motivated her to act for positive change around her to achieve sustainable development.

Some more glimpse of the feedback can be seen below:

“I have learnt that an internal motivation and ignition is required to work on the 17 SDGs. It is high time to think about the earth, environment, and nature of our own survival.”

“The best part of this exhibition is what can I do for SDGs in society.”

“It is a thought-provoking exhibition. We cannot sit still and see everything happening. It is the right time to start with self and be a part of the change.”

“It was an eye opener journey. Although I had an awareness, but this exhibition led me through a global perspective.”

This initiative helped educators to look at issues from a global perspective. It also demonstrates BSG’s commitment to empowering educators and fostering a culture of Sustainable Human Behaviour.

Seeds of Hope & Action Blossom in Sector 11 Chandigarh: A Celebration of “The Power of One”

20th – 21st February, 2024

Over 2500 faculty and students at Postgraduate Government College Sector 11, Chandigarh, witnessed a spark ignite within them! The 113th Seeds of Hope and Action (SOHA) exhibition, organized by Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) on February 20th and 21st, 2024, wasn’t just an exhibition – it was a movement.

Seeds of Hope & Action Blossom in Sector 11 Chandigarh: A Celebration of The Power of One

The air crackled with a transformative energy as attendees delved into the empowering concept of “The Power of One.” Distinguished guests like Dr. Gaurav Gaur, a leading socialist and educationist, and Shri Prabhu Nath Shahi, fueled the fire with their inspiring presence.

But the students stole the show through their unwavering dedication in explaining the exhibition panels, alongside the support of their faculty. They guided visitors through captivating exhibition panels, igniting a sense of hope and propelling everyone towards a shared mission – achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The impact was undeniable. Here are just whispers of the transformative echoes:

“As I left the exhibition, I felt empowered to make a difference in my own community and beyond. The examples of individuals taking action to create a more sustainable world resonated deeply with me, and I knew that with a strong thesis statement guiding my efforts, I could be a force for positive change.”  

“The power of one person to effect change was brought to life before my eyes, as I listened to the passionate students explaining their sustainability panels to faculty and peers. The message was clear: respect for all life and sustainable human behaviour are not just ideals, but tangible goals that each of us can strive towards in our daily lives.”

This wasn’t just an exhibition; it was a testament to the collective power we all possess. It was a seed planted, ready to blossom into a world transformed by the actions of empowered individuals. The future is bright, and it starts with you.

Harmony in Diversity: 110th SOHA exhibition at POP festival in India Habitat Centre

3rd February, 2024

BSG’s 110th Seeds of Hope & Action (SOHA) exhibition happened in the open and beautiful space of the India Habitat Centre. We were delighted to partner with Protect Our Planet (POP) Movement’s “International Conference and POP Festival for Youth-Led Climate Action 2024”.

Harmony in Diversity: 110th SOHA exhibition at POP festival in India Habitat Centre

Thanks to the festival, we could unite over 500 attendees in our conversations for the future. With vibrant displays and passionate volunteers, BSG explained the panels on the ‘Power of One’ in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A fascinating detail: This SOHA distinguished itself through the diverse array of attendees. Sustainability experts, heads of various institutions, and of course, young people came together for an extensive discussion on sustainability. The discourse unfolded in three stages: doubt, dialogue, and mutual understanding.

In their feedback, all participants shared that it was a fruitful discussion where everyone engaged with different viewpoints, yet with a shared eagerness to learn. This is the SOHA mission. We believe dialogue is key to developing and nurturing a sustainability consciousness.

Postgraduate Government College, Chandigarh Hosts Inspiring SOHA Sustainability Exhibition

2nd February, 2024

Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) conducted the 109th SOHA exhibition at Postgraduate Government College, Sector 46, Chandigarh. The Department of Environment Studies of the College took the lead in collaborating with BSG to conduct the exhibition. This impactful exhibition attracted over 500 students and faculty, fostering a spirit of environmental awareness and action!

Postgraduate Government College, Chandigarh Hosts Inspiring SOHA Sustainability Exhibition

The exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Abha Sudarshan, Principal of the college. Dr. Sudarshan’s inspiring words highlighted the importance of sustainable living for everyone. She commended the participating students for their dedication to raising awareness. Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Dean, and Dr. Baljit Singh, Vice Principal, also graced the event, showcasing the college’s commitment to environmental education.

50 enthusiastic students from various streams took the lead in expertly explaining the informative panels to the attendees. The exhibition sparked meaningful conversations, igniting a passion for environmental protection within the college community.

The feedback from the attendees was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed a deeper understanding of environmental issues and a newfound drive to take action.

“This exhibition opened my eyes to the possibilities of protecting our environment,” shared one student. “I learned about inspiring initiatives and feel empowered to make a difference, starting with small but impactful actions.”

Another attendee remarked, “The exhibition highlighted how even small efforts can create a significant positive impact on our planet. I’m committed to doing my part and encouraging others to join the movement!”

The SOHA exhibition at Postgraduate Government College, Chandigarh, serves as a stepping stone towards a more sustainable future. Through education, collaboration, and individual action, this exhibition was an active step towards contributing to a healthier planet for all.

SOHA teams up with Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya for a sustainability celebration!

12th January, 2024
New Delhi

The 108th Seeds of Hope & Action (SOHA) exhibition met Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya (RPVV) on the day of its Annual Day in Nand Nagri. Picture this: a bustling hall filled with over 300 eager individuals – students, faculty, and teachers alike – all diving headfirst into the immersive experience of SOHA.

SOHA teams up with Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya for a sustainability celebration!

SOHA makes imagining a sustainable future possible. Sustainability is more than just recycling bins and carbon footprints; it is about embracing Sustainable Human Behavior (SHB) as a way of life. SOHA’s philosophy is simple – every decision we make, every action we take, sends ripples through the fabric of our environment and society, shaping the world we live in.

The student-led exhibition soon became a gathering of purpose and passion. Here’s a fun fact: RPVV’s Annual Day celebration turned out to be a harmonious echo of the exhibition’s themes!

The school’s Principal, Mr. Shashi Bhushan, was deeply pleased with the day. He appreciated BSG for starting conversations on sustainability and including young students in the sustainability movement.

The day, brimming with insights into sustainability, culminated in creating a renewed sense of responsibility among all participants.

The 107th SOHA exhibition makes its way to Father Agnel school, Noida

6th January, 2024

The 107th Seeds of Hope and Action exhibition at Father Agnel school, sector 62, Noida was a vibrant hub of ideas, questions, and revelations. The energy was palpable as over 250 attendees actively engaged with each other, sharing insights and probing deeper into the concepts presented. Yet, amidst the throng, it was the student leaders who stole the spotlight. Recognizing the “power of one” in sustainability, they stepped up, embodying the essence of change by eagerly volunteering to spearhead the exhibition. 20 passionate young minds, poised and articulate, weaved tales of sustainability and hope as they navigated visitors through the SOHA panels. Their dedication was not just admirable; it was a beacon of hope for a brighter, greener future.

SOHA teams up with Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya for a sustainability celebration!

In this dynamic space, dialogue flowed freely, sparking discussions on the practical implementation of sustainability and Sustainable Human Behavior (SHB) in our everyday lives. Witnessing individuals from all walks of life come together, united in their quest for a better tomorrow, was nothing short of inspiring. And at the forefront of this movement were our youth, leading by example and igniting change with every word spoken and idea shared.

Here’s what the attendees had to say:

“A very nice initiative by school for inviting BSG and putting up the exhibition. This not only educates the viewers but goes a long way in building up the character of the participating students.”

“Great initiative. This is a good way to inculcate our responsibilities as a human being and as a citizen.”

Together, let’s nurture these seeds of change, cultivating a future where sustainability isn’t just a concept but a way of life.

SOHA Exhibition Celebrates a Century of Inspiring Sustainable Actions at DIET, Rajinder Nagar

23rd November, 2023
Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi

On November 23, 2023, the District Institution of Education & Training (DIET), Rajinder Nagar Branch, New Delhi, was the proud host of the 100th SOHA exhibition, organized by Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG). This milestone event celebrated BSG’s enduring dedication to promoting environmental consciousness and empowering individuals to embrace sustainable practices. The exhibition, held in conjunction with the Institute’s Green Skills workshop, engaged over 180 teachers from various districts, highlighting BSG’s commitment to fostering a culture of sustainability and supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SOHA Exhibition Celebrates a Century of Inspiring Sustainable Actions at DIET, Rajinder Nagar

Since its establishment in 2021, the SOHA exhibition has embarked on a transformative journey, captivating audiences across India’s educational landscape. This 100th exhibition, a testament to BSG’s unwavering commitment, emphasized the interconnectedness of humanity with the natural world and advocated for a paradigm shift towards “Sustainable Human Behavior” (SHB). The exhibition’s structured segments, ‘Inspire’, ‘Learn’, ‘Reflect’, ‘Empower’, ‘Act & Lead’, took visitors on an enlightening journey of self-reflection and empowerment, encouraging them to embrace the transformative potential of individual actions in building a sustainable future.

BSG volunteers, with their passion and dedication, guided the audience through the exhibition, fostering meaningful discussions and inspiring teachers to integrate SHB practices into their classrooms and personal lives. The exhibition’s impact was evident as Dr. Anamika Singh, the Principal of DIET, Rajinder Nagar, expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the thought-provoking event, recognizing its significance in fostering green skills and individual responsibility.

The 100th SOHA Exhibition at DIET, Rajinder Nagar, not only celebrated a significant milestone for BSG but also reaffirmed its commitment to the SDGs and the cultivation of a culture of sustainability. It served as a powerful catalyst, igniting a passion for sustainability among educators and inspiring them to champion initiatives that will empower the next generation to become agents of change for a greener and more sustainable future. As the seeds of sustainable action continue to be sown, the SOHA exhibition remains a beacon of hope, empowering individuals to collectively create a more sustainable world, one step at a time.

SOHA exhibition Inspires Educators at DIET, Moti Bagh

22nd November, 2023
Moti Bagh, New Delhi

New Delhi, India – On November 22, 2023, Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) organized the 99th SOHA exhibition at the District Institution of Education & Training (DIET), Moti Bagh Branch, in New Delhi. The exhibition captivated the attention of over 100 teachers from various districts covered by the Moti Bagh Branch.

SOHA exhibition Inspires Educators at DIET, Moti Bagh

Through its 25 informative panels, the SOHA exhibition highlights the concept of ‘Sustainable Human Behaviour’ (SHB) and its crucial role in environmental preservation. The exhibition underscores the transformative potential of individual actions, demonstrating how even a single person can spark significant change. BSG volunteers passionately explained the exhibition’s content, fostering meaningful discussions and encouraging teachers to adopt SHB practices in their daily lives.

Dr. Suman Nehra, the Principal of DIET, expressed her gratitude to BSG for organizing the insightful exhibition. She emphasized the exhibition’s relevance in today’s world, urging participants to embrace simple daily actions that can collectively contribute to a healthier environment for current and future generations.

Teachers attending the exhibition shared their personal connections to the examples presented, sparking open exchanges of ideas and experiences. The exhibition not only strengthened the teachers’ resolve to adopt sustainable practices but also inspired them to instil these values in their students.

The SOHA Exhibition at DIET, Moti Bagh, stands as a testament to the power of education in fostering environmental stewardship. It empowered educators to become agents of change, equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to lead their students towards a more sustainable future. The educators felt empowered to nurture a generation of environmentally conscious citizens committed to creating a more sustainable world. As the seeds of sustainable action are sown, the future of our planet looks brighter, one step at a time.

The exhibition was also covered by local media. Some clips and pictures are shared here.

SOHA Exhibition held at Amazon’s Hyderabad Campus

16th November, 2023

On the 16th of November 2023, BSG orchestrated a groundbreaking SOHA exhibition at Amazon’s Hyderabad Campus, marking the first such instance in a corporate environment. This was also the 97th SOHA exhibition conducted by BSG since 2021. It drew an audience of over 120 individuals, predominantly comprising enthusiastic young attendees. The exhibition provided them with an enlightening experience, emphasizing the potential of young people as ‘Agents of Change,’ vividly depicted through informative panels elucidated by dedicated BSG volunteers.

SOHA Exhibition held at Amazon’s Hyderabad Campus

The SOHA exhibition showcases diverse thematic panels covering critical subjects such as climate change, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the ‘BSG for SDG’ app, and an interactive platform inviting online participants to share their ideas for actionable change. Central to its message was the concept of the “Power of One,” highlighting the pivotal role of youth in shaping a more sustainable world. The exhibition, which is structured around five core themes – “Inspire, Learn, Reflect, Empower, Act & Lead,” aligns with UNESCO’s ESD for 2030 initiative, fostering education for sustainable development.

Alongside the exhibition was a continuous screening of the BSG video titled “BSG for SDG | Towards 2030: Achieving the SDGs through Sustainable Human Behaviour” This impactful video underscores the significance of adopting behavioural changes to collectively create a sustainable global ecosystem.

Audience feedback uniformly expressed the exhibition’s timeliness and relevance. Viewers extended gratitude to the volunteers for their passionate explanations, acknowledging the heightened awareness generated. Moreover, a substantial number of attendees enthusiastically downloaded the ‘BSG for SDG’ Mobile App, affirming their commitment to embracing more sustainable lifestyles.

Here are some of the feedback shared:

“It was good to know about the initiatives taken by various people around the world. A walk through of all these was a reminder to take mini sustainable steps for better future.”

“A small start can have a big impact.”

“It starts with yourself. Make the small changes. It counts.”

A glimpse of the exhibition can be seen here.

A Beacon of Hope: SOHA Exhibition Inspires a Sustainable Future in GGDSD College, Kheri Gurna, Banur, Punjab

10th November, 2023
Banur, Punjab

Amidst a world grappling with the complexities of sustainability, a beacon of hope emerged at GGDSD College in Kheri Gurna, Punjab. Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) held its latest SOHA exhibition, an inspiring showcase of “Sustainable Human Behavior” (SHB) practices. This marked the 95th SOHA exhibition organized by BSG since 2021.

SOHA Exhibitions in Chandigarh: Inspiring Students and Teachers

With more than 200 students and teachers actively participating, the exhibition resonated with a collective commitment to embracing SHB as a fundamental lifestyle choice. The energy and enthusiasm was palpable as they united their voices for a sustainable future.

The exhibition unfolds into five distinct segments: “Inspire, Learn, Reflect, Empower, Act & Lead.” Each segment delves into crucial aspects of fostering sustainability, providing a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The students of GGDSD College fervently explained the exhibition panels with utmost dedication and passion. Their experience also allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the roadmap for achieving a sustainable world.

The exhibition’s impact extended far beyond the college walls, profoundly moving visitors and attendees alike. The thoughtful initiative of BSG in bringing this event to the community was met with unanimous applause, as individuals acknowledged the significance of SHB practices in shaping a better future.

Inspired by the exhibition’s message, the attendees made a pledge to champion positive changes within their respective communities. They embraced the responsibility of making the world a better place through individual actions, recognizing the collective power of small steps in creating a sustainable future.

The SOHA exhibition at GGDSD College ignited a spark of motivation among all attendees. It exemplified the pivotal role that individuals and communities can play in building a sustainable and better world.

The exhibition was also covered by local media. Some clips and pictures are shared here.