23rd July, 2024

The Hyderabad campus of Amazon welcomed the 136th SOHA with a keen desire to learn a new way of life. Prior to the exhibition, a comprehensive orientation was conducted by BSG coordinators. This preparation built a shared sense of purpose and enthusiasm among the volunteers.

Amazon, Hyderabad, learns about the SDGs

A remarkable aspect of this initiative was the proactive involvement of BSG members employed at Amazon. Demonstrating exceptional leadership, they rallied their colleagues and peers to participate in the exhibition. Their efforts were key in generating significant interest and support within the Amazon community.

The exhibition itself was a resounding success, drawing an estimated 150 attendees. Many visitors expressed profound gratitude, as the exhibition marked their first exposure to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

They were introduced to the concept of sustainability as a holistic approach encompassing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Attendees learned practical ways to incorporate sustainable practices into their personal lives, such as reducing waste through recycling and composting, conserving energy by adopting energy-efficient habits, supporting local businesses, and opting for sustainable transportation options.

Inspired by the newfound knowledge, they expressed a strong determination to contribute to these global objectives and learn to live the sustainable way.

Among the attendees, a notable segment comprised youth who were already acquainted with certain SDGs, particularly those related to climate change. These young, spirited individuals came with a heightened interest in exploring the oneness of human life and its environment.

The SOHA volunteers played a pivotal role in the exhibition’s success, delivering informative and engaging presentations about the various panels with an infectious vivacity. Their passion and dedication were instrumental in inspiring and educating the attendees.

Building upon the positive outcomes of this SOHA, Amazon, Hyderabad, is committed to holding more SOHAs and refreshing their vow to internalize ‘sustainable human behaviour’.