Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) recently held a series of successful teacher training programs at their headquarters in Delhi, India. These programs, held on February 16th, 23rd, and 26th, 2024, aimed to empower educators with knowledge and resources related to sustainability. A total of 107 educators and mentors from the Delhi Government’s Department of Education participated in the training. These sessions also marked the 112th, 113th, 115th, & 116th stagings of the Seeds of Hope and Action (SOHA) exhibitions.

During the programs, the attendees were taken through the Seeds of Hope and Action (SOHA) exhibition. They also learnt about the various BSG for SDG initiatives which are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In their interactions, all the participants expressed their joy of witnessing the exhibition. They also expressed their eagerness of conducting the exhibition in their schools, and to further work alongside BSG in various sustainability related initiatives.
One of the educators shared that the exhibition is a wholesome initiative encompassing all essential aspects of sustainability, from ‘inspiring’ to ‘taking action’, keeping the ‘heart’ element at the centre. While another educator shared about how the concept of the ‘Power of One’ resonated with her and she felt inspired to mobilize collective efforts toward realizing the 17 SDGs. Yet another educator shared about how the exhibition portrays a vision of sustainable living and had motivated her to act for positive change around her to achieve sustainable development.
Some more glimpse of the feedback can be seen below:
“I have learnt that an internal motivation and ignition is required to work on the 17 SDGs. It is high time to think about the earth, environment, and nature of our own survival.”
“The best part of this exhibition is what can I do for SDGs in society.”
“It is a thought-provoking exhibition. We cannot sit still and see everything happening. It is the right time to start with self and be a part of the change.”
“It was an eye opener journey. Although I had an awareness, but this exhibition led me through a global perspective.”
This initiative helped educators to look at issues from a global perspective. It also demonstrates BSG’s commitment to empowering educators and fostering a culture of Sustainable Human Behaviour.