Mr. Rajender Singh (Winner of Stockholm Water prize 2015 and Ramon Magsaysay 2001 awardee) inaugurated the exhibition and took the audience (including school children) through a visual presentation recording his team’s work in various villages of Rajasthan on water harvesting and conservation over 30 years. He said, “It takes only one individual to stand up and make a difference,” and advised the children that “once you have made a vow to bring about a change, work on it to the end.”
During the exhibition, the award winning film on individuals working in their local communities for the cause of environment – A Quiet Revolution, was shown several times.
Many inter-school activities were organised for children such as poetry writing, slogan cum poster making, painting competitions, based on the theme ‘Seeds of Hope- initiating positive change to protect environment’.
Ms. Sonia Luthra, principal, ASN said, “We hosted Seeds of Change exhibition in 2009 with the BSG and it was a good learning experience. This time we approached them for another such activity and we were shown a couple of panels of SOH. I was so inspired by it and Dr. Ikeda’s thoughts that I immediately wanted our school to host it. ASN is already a part of many environment and community welfare programmes and SOH is a very educative and awareness-creating experience that would help our children.”
Over 3300 people viewed the exhibition over the three days.