The Seeds of Hope and Action (SOHA) Exhibition was organized by Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) at VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology in tandem with their annual convergence fest. It was spread over two days and about 400 students and faculty members visited the exhibition.

The exhibition was inaugurated by the management members of Vignana Jyothi – Vice President, Dr. Kode Durga Prasad, Joint secretary – Ch. Achyuta Rama Prasad and CEO, Jillela Satya Sai Kumar. It commenced with an introduction of BSG, followed by the screening of a small film namely “BSG for SDG”, which showcased the importance of SDGs and that sustainability is the need of the hour.
The key focus of BSG in holding these exhibitions across various institutions is to impart the message of ‘Sustainable Human Behaviour’ (SHB). SHB refers to an inner transformation in the depth of everyone, which encourages a person to live sustainably. It is a transformation in people’s lifestyle, which has respect for all life at its heart. Exhibition plays a crucial role in conveying the message of how urgent it is to contribute to the SDGs, and how each individual can contribute to sustainability.
The Director, Principal, CEO and the Student Progression Dean were appreciative about the BSG initiative. The CEO also asked the students to take this further and practice the SDGs in daily life. He also suggested to the students to start start-ups which are in accordance with the SDG goals.
Students showed keen interest and were also amazed by certain panels depicting the actions of ordinary people changing the world, thus bringing out the ” Power of one”. Few students shared brilliant actionable ideas and pledged to take the cause of sustainability further and practice them consistently.
Below is a glimpse of the feedback shared:
“SDGs are an effective way to start the conversation about our planet and all the things we do daily that are intertwined with the earth, and nature. We need to take effective measures against the industries which pollute our planet. The future is in our hands, and it is our responsibility to take care of it. We should preserve our planet & the nature in it for our future generations. We should try to be the part of solution.”
“A process of change can start with one person. I think that is true. Only an individual can make a change for every action.”
“The start comes within you.”
“Being a youth, sustainability is in our hand.”
“On coming to know about many people like Sajid Iqbal and Wangaari Mathai and Mariam Shaar, we’ve learnt how we can bring change. Though it is small, yet it is significant. An ocean is made by small water droplets. Similarly we will try to do our part towards a sustainable world.”
“A wonderful collection of displays that will give us chance to look back at our original selves as human beings.”