Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) organized Seeds of Hope and Action (SOHA) Exhibitions in GGDSD College and PMLSD Public School, Chandigarh, on October 26th and 27th, 2023. These exhibitions were hosted by the two educational institutions and proved to be an inspiring and enlightening experience for over 500 students, teachers, and staff members who attended.

The exhibitions were inaugurated by Prof. Ved Prakash, Former Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. He commended BSG for their remarkable initiative, which follows the “Learn, Reflect, Empower, Lead” formula and aligns with UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for 2030 initiative. Prof. Ved Prakash stressed the critical importance of exhibitions like SOHA in creating awareness about sustainable development and the responsible use of natural resources. He urged principals and teachers to host such exhibitions more frequently and in public spaces to further promote environmental awareness and responsibility. He also encouraged the students to strive to make a positive impact on the world.
Dr. Ajay Sharma, the principal of GGDSD College, shared his insights on how exhibitions like SOHA could leave a lasting positive impact on the minds of students and society as a whole. He motivated participants from both GGDSD College and PMLSD Public School to make the most of such learning opportunities and aim to become assets to society.
A film titled “BSG for SDG | Towards 2030: Achieving the SDGs through Sustainable Human Behaviour” was screened each day. The film highlighted the significance of sustainability and the role of BSG in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Sustainable Human Behaviour.
Students from both institutions passionately explained the exhibition panels and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the attendees. All attendees displayed a strong interest in moving towards a more sustainable world. The exhibition sowed the seeds of sustainable development in young minds and inspired them to take up the responsibility of creating a more sustainable future.
The exhibitions received coverage from local media. For more information, you can access the coverage here.
These exhibitions in Chandigarh served as a powerful platform for fostering awareness about sustainable development and the importance of sustainable human behaviour. They not only inspired students and teachers but also underscored the need for active engagement and responsibility towards building a more sustainable and promising future.