The first peace symposium of this year was held in Jaipur on the 29th July 2017 based on SGI President Ikeda’s Peace Proposal for 2017.
The symposium was held in Tagore Public School, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, and was attended by around 900 members and guests.
To discuss the peace proposal the eminent speakers at the symposium were Mr. Manoj Bhatt, Director General of Police, Rajasthan, well-known Child Psychologist Ms. Nisha Jain Grover, and Eminent Writer Ms. Dharmendar Kanwar.
The keynote address was delivered by the Hon’ble Justice M.N. Bhandari, Judge, Rajasthan High Court.
Speaking first, Eminent writer, Dharmendar Kanwar, said that today’s world is pervaded by the thought that if I am not happy, then why should others be happy. This underlying thought has resulted in widespread violence. She also said that people also look at others to solve their issues, instead of looking for a solution within.
DGP of Rajasthan, Mr. Manoj Bhatt complemented BSG for organizing this event and mentioned that the current world situation of chaos and anarchy has resulted in unprecedented arms race. It is only youth who can bring about peace, he said. Mr. Bhatt also talked about the power of chanting.
Ms. Nisha Jain Grover, well-known child psychologist, also shared her views on the proposal saying that Peace is linked to every individual, every family and subsequently impacts the entire society.
In his keynote address, Justice Bhandari called for a need to deliberate and take positive action for restoring global peace in times of proliferation of arms and nuclear weapons. He also mentioned the importance of resolving border disputes towards that end. He was deeply appreciative of BSG and said here is an organization which is focused on the happiness of ‘others’ also.
The symposium concluded with presentation of mementos to the speakers.
The welcome address was given by BSG Chairperson Mr. Vishesh Gupta and vote of thanks by WD Chief Ms. Rashi Ahuja.
In spite of heavy rain, the Auditorium was packed with guests and the warm welcome of the volunteers left a deep impression in the lives of the guests. The detailed and advance preparation of Jaipur members, fueled by their enthusiasm to respond to SGI President Daisaku Ikeda, ensured that the Symposium was a great success.
The symposium was widely covered by both national and local media. A few media clips are attached.
The symposium was also preceded by an Interview of Mr. Vishesh Gupta and Ms. Rashi Ahuja which was telecast by Patrika TV.